Portfolios you can depend on.

Only 2% of investors have over $2 million saved for retirement. Between taxes, fees, and underperformance, most never realize how much money they are leaving on the table. We combine the best aspects of a traditional and online advisor to get your portfolio working harder for retirement and all your other goals.

What could you do right now to build a better portfolio?

  • Stand up against high fees

    Many advisors charge a lot more than meets the eye, using mutual funds to build portfolios that could be constructed with inexpensive ETFs. Fortuna builds portfolios with the lowest cost funds available for a given asset class, so that clients’ money keeps working for them.

  • Diversify, broadly and globally

    It has paid well to be in US stocks over recent years - but those who aim to thrive in an uncertain decade ahead will want exposure to other sources of growth and income. Our portfolios make generous use of commodities, real estate, and foreign equities, to seek growth wherever it may be found.

  • Get serious about risk and return

    Most advisors outsource their portfolio construction in one way or another. As fully independent market experts, we aren’t afraid to do things our own way. Our clients get extra protection from proven risk controls, so that their accounts will weather whatever the economy brings.

Fortuna acts as your personal portfolio manager. We’ve spent decades studying what works in different markets, and build our clients robust portfolios that will stand the test of time. 

Fortuna Investors was born out of a search for better investment results. We and our early clients were unsatisfied with the outdated approach offered by mainstream financial advisors who risk excessive downside in an uncertain global economy. Before we were Advisors, we were Investors, and we founded Fortuna based on the simple principle that we should offer clients the same investment management that we would want for ourselves, our family and our friends. 

The Fortuna method:

  • Seek true diversification from uncorrelated assets, not just different stocks and bonds

  • Own the very lowest cost funds for each asset class

  • Use a rules-based approach to eliminate bias and emotion

  • Offer access to tactical models to control risk and enhance returns 

  • Minimize fees by serving as your portfolio manager, rather than outsourcing to mutual funds or other third parties

  • Target total returns rather than income or growth alone to improve tax efficiency and overall results

Protecting the downside:

Most people realize that investing carries risk. But how is risk defined? A drawdown is the maximum loss, in percentage terms, from a previous high.. Analyzing drawdown is a simple way to measure risk in a portfolio. Drawdowns create challenges for the investor from both a behavioral and practical standpoint:

Behavioral - How would you feel if your portfolio dropped 40% in value? It’s difficult to stick with an investment program in the face of deep or prolonged losses.

Practical - If you lose 10%, you need to gain 11% to get back to even. But if you lose 50%, you need to double your money to get back to even.

Driving upside:

By diversifying and staying with prevailing trends, we seek to protect our clients from deep drawdowns. This allows us to employ other techniques to enhance upside without taking on excessive risk. Whatever the current environment, we allocate more to top-performing assets and less to laggards, which has historically been shown to enhance returns relative to more passive approaches like buy-and-hold.

Enhancing Risk-Adjusted-Returns:

While most investors do not recognize it, what they seek is more return per unit of risk taken.

At Fortuna, we start with a simple question - how much risk can a client stomach from a behavioral and practical standpoint? Once that question is answered, we design a portfolio for that client that seeks to maximize return for that level of risk.

While there are no “sure things” in investing, we believe that our methods improve clients’ chances of better risk-adjusted returns relative to the typical portfolio.

Watch the video to learn about Fortuna’s unique approach to investment management:

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